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Customizing shipping settings for your Lightspeed eCom store

This article is for Lightspeed Retail POS (X-Series) merchants who have Lightspeed eCom (E-Series) included in their subscription plan. To learn more about Retail POS, check out the X-Series Help Center or E-Series Help Center.

In Lightspeed, connecting outlets to eCom links their inventory to your online store. In turn, you can associate each of the connected outlets with a specific pickup, local delivery, or shipping method. 

When there’s not enough items in one location, Lightspeed can prevent customers from choosing a shipping/pickup method linked with that outlet. As a result, you get more control over shipping and inventory, which helps to prevent overselling and eliminates the necessity of transferring items between locations.

Here are the shipping rules that you can apply to delivery/pickup methods and how they affect your store:

  • Allow customers to purchase items from all locations (default behavior). Customers will be able to choose any delivery/pickup method associated with an outlet, even if some items are out of stock in that location. This option allows overselling across outlets and is designed to capture all possible sales. You will have to transfer items between locations to fulfill the order.
  • Restrict customers from choosing a delivery/pickup method associated with outlets with insufficient inventory. Buyers will see that some items are not available in a particular location, but are available in others outlets. They will be prompted to select another shipping/pickup option, associated with the nearest outlet where all the items are in stock, or remove out of stock items from the cart. 
  • Mixed rules. While you restrict all delivery/pickup methods in your store, you still can provide shipping methods that have no limitations. 

Allowing all delivery and pickup methods at checkout

By default, Lightspeed eCom allows customers to choose any delivery/pickup method at checkout as long as you have enough products at least in one location associated with eCom. This is designed that way to allow you capture all possible sales.

If an item reaches zero in your “online stock”, meaning that it’s unavailable in all of the outlets connected to eCom, shoppers won’t be able to add it to cart in the first place. In that case, you need to restock items in your catalog.

This rule is suited for you if you are sure you can quickly transfer insufficient items between outlets. Remember that customers expect to get their order in a day or two when it comes to pickup and local delivery. If you rely mostly on shipping with carriers, then this option may work best for you. 

To make all delivery/pickup methods available in your store:

  1. Navigate to Online → Settings → Shipping & Pickup.
  2. Scroll to Settings and click the Outlets’ availability for pickup, delivery, and shipping.
  3. Select Always available:

    Choosing shipping rules for multi-outlet Lightspeed1.png

  4. Click Save.

Restricting delivery and pickup methods based on stock levels

You can restrict pickup and delivery methods based on the inventory levels of outlets that are associated with each method. In that case, when a product is out of stock in a certain location, customers will be able to purchase an item, but won’t be able to choose restricted methods for delivery. Shoppers will see the notification and be prompted to remove unavailable products from their cart or select another method:

Choosing shipping rules for multi-outlet Lightspeed4.png

When you restrict delivery methods based on real-time stock, the item availability appears not only at checkout but also on a product page. That way, shoppers can see the product availability even before they proceed to checkout:

Choosing shipping rules for multi-outlet Lightspeed2.gif

That rule is extremely helpful when you rely on pickup or local delivery. With both methods, customers expect to get their order the same or next day. Limiting delivery methods saves you time and efforts on transferring out-of-stock items between outlets. 

If your “online stock” reaches zero, meaning that an item is unavailable in all of the outlets connected to eCom, shoppers won’t be able to purchase the item online. In that case, you need to restock items in your catalog.

To restrict delivery/pickup methods at checkout based on the stock level:

  1. Navigate to Online → Settings → Shipping & Pickup.
  2. Scroll to Settings and click the Outlets’ availability for pickup, delivery, and shipping.
  3. Select Available only if products are in stock:

    Choosing shipping rules for multi-outlet Lightspeed3.png

  4. Click Save.

Creating mixed shipping rules for eCom

There’s a way to restrict delivery/pickup methods for major shipping methods in your online store, while also making some methods appear without any limitations at checkout. This is super helpful if you want to offer pickup in several locations, and still have one cross-country or abroad shipping method.

To do this, you need to choose a restriction as a general shipping rule in your store, and then create a shipping method that is not associated with any location. 

Suppose you have stores in New York, Portland, and Wisconsin. You restrict shipping methods and create a pickup for each location. All pickup methods will allow customers to purchase only items that are available in each location. In addition to that, you create a USPS shipping method that you want to be available regardless of the actual stock level. That way, you have the flexibility to transfer out-of-stock items between locations at your own pace or even fulfill orders by shipping items from any store.

To create a mixed shipping rules for eCom:

  1. Navigate to Online → Settings → Shipping & Pickup.
  2. Scroll to Settings and click the Outlets’ availability for pickup, delivery, and shipping.
  3. Select Available only if products are in stock:

    Choosing shipping rules for multi-outlet Lightspeed3.png

  4. Click Save.
  5. Scroll up and create a new method. For example, shipping.
  6. Set up the shipping method, but in the Outlet associated with this shipping method do not choose any outlet, leaving the field empty.
  7. Save the new shipping method.

Now when customers place orders, pickup methods will be available only if there’s enough items in the location, but the shipping method (not associated with any outlet) will always be available.

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