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Ecwid plugin and WordPress Full Site Editing

WordPress Full Site Editing is a set of tools available in the new Site Editor that allows you to design your whole website — including its header, footer, and navigation — using highly customizable blocks. This way, it’s much easier to control the look and feel of your site.

Ecwid’s E-Commerce plugin supports full site editing. After you install the plugin, you can add and adjust online store blocks for your WordPress website right in the Site Editor in a fast and convenient manner.

Benefits of Full Site Editing

With Full Site Editing (also known as FSE), you can easily customize your WordPress website with your Ecwid online store however you like without having to hire third-party developers.

Built around the default Gutenberg editor that works with content blocks, Full Site Editing allows you to use the block editor tools to design all the site pages. In addition to that, you can:

  • Apply styles, including colors, layout, and typography, to your entire site or to individual site blocks;
  • Create and edit templates for specific website pages;
  • Add or edit reusable template parts like header and footer, and more.

Learn more about how to get started with Full Site Editing

Accessing the WordPress Site Editor

To use Full Site Editing, you must install and activate one of the WordPress block themes. You can find all the available block themes listed in Appearance → Themes → Add New → Block Themes in your WordPress admin panel. 

After you have the block theme of your choice enabled, you will be able to set up your website using the Site Editor.

To access the WP Site Editor:

  1. Open your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Click Appearance → Editor.
  3. Proceed to one of the sections in the Site Editor menu on the left (e.g., Navigation, Styles, or Pages):
    Site Editor menu on the left.png
    You can start off with the Pages section, where you can edit your site content in the Gutenberg editor.
  4. Start editing.

Learn more about the Site Editor menu sections and how to use them

Adding Ecwid blocks in the WordPress Site Editor

After you install Ecwid’s plugin, your online storefront (the Store Home Page block) is added to the automatically created Store page on your WordPress site. On top of that, you can add additional store content blocks to any section of your website in the Site Editor. 

All Ecwid store content blocks available for adding in the Gutenberg editor are compatible with Full Site Editing.

Here’s just a few things you can do with Ecwid’s blocks:

  • Add your entire Ecwid storefront to any other site page.
  • Add a product search box or a shopping cart icon to your site header or footer.
  • Place single product cards as Buy Buttons on dedicated site pages (for example, if you want to create a landing page with built-in checkout).
  • Showcase individual store categories.
  • Add the categories menu to any place on your site.

See the complete list of Ecwid blocks available for adding

To add an Ecwid block of your choice in the Site Editor:

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard → Appearance → Editor → Pages and click the page you want to edit.
    Based on your task, you can also go to Editor → Templates or Editor → Patterns → Template Parts and click the template or template part.
  2. Click on the preview on the right to enter the Editor.
  3. On the editor page, click the + button in the upper left.
  4. Scroll down to the Ecwid section in the Blocks list and choose one of the ecommerce blocks.
  5. Click on the block on the page to additionally set it up in the Editor.
  6. Save the changes.

That’s it! You’ve added an e-commerce block to your WordPress site.

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