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Case study 10: Updating product images with import

This article is part of the catalog import and export section and tells you how to mass update product images in your Ecwid store with a CSV file.

You can easily bulk update images for products that already exist in your store. For that, you’ll need to import a file that contains a product identifier column (SKU or ID, or both) and columns with URLs of new images that you want your products to have. Say, you hired a photographer and need to replace existing photos with more visually appealing ones.

Product media (that’s pics or videos) data is rewritten after importing any new media. So updating images for products is just the same as adding new images.

When updating media for an existing product, make sure you have all the pictures and videos listed in the file, even those that this product already has. You cannot just add one more image.

In our example, we’ll update images for the product from Case study 1 that is already added to your store: a black dress with SKU “A0001”.

You can compile your file in any spreadsheet editor (or in a plain text editor). In our example, we’ll use Google Sheets.

To create an import file:

  1. Open your spreadsheet editor.
  2. Enter “type” in the first cell. Then enter “product” in the row below it:

    Updating product images with import1.png

    Now you’ve specified that the second row is about a product.
  3. In the next column, enter “product_sku” and the SKU of the product (“A0001”):

    Updating product images with import2.png

    Now the image data listed in this row will be added to a product with this specific SKU.
    Optionally, you can add the “product_internal_id” column and the ID of the product, or you can use both the ID and SKU columns to specify the product your media must be assigned to.
  4. Then add the “product_media_main_image_url” column to the file header and enter a link to the new main product image on the web as its value for the “product” row:

    Updating product images with import4.png

    You cannot give links to images stored on your device – the image has to be hosted somewhere on the internet (e.g., on Imgur or in a folder on your hosting account).
  5. Next, similarly, enter the “product_media_gallery_image_url_1” column and a link to the first new product gallery image for it:

    Updating product images with import3.png

  6. Now add a “product_media_gallery_image_url_2” column and a link to the second product gallery image for it.
  7. Repeat the process until you have all the new images for this product listed. Number the images as you want them to be sorted in the gallery.
  8. (optional) Add more “product” rows with image URLs if you want to update images for other products in your store.
  9. Save the file as .csv.
  10. Go to Catalog → Data Import & Export in your store admin, click Import File, and choose the file on your device.
  11. See if there are any errors and click Start Import.

That’s it! After the import is complete, product images in your store will be updated automatically.

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