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Exporting customers

You can export data with full details of every customer in your store.

To export data on customers:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to My Sales → Customers.
  2. Click Mass Update → Export → Export All if you need to export all your customers.
  3. (optional) If you want to export only a part of the customer list (e.g., based on some criteria), you can use filters in the left upper corner, then tick the customers you want to export and click Mass Update → Export → Export Selected:
    Export selected.png

That's it! A CSV file with the data on your customers will be downloaded to your computer. See the list of supported columns for explanation. You can use this data for analytical purposes, create promo campaigns using the emails of customers who gave their consent for email marketing, or just keep the files for your own records.

Learn how to start email marketing →

You can also export the list of customers who gave consent to email marketing on the Marketing → Newsletters page in your Ecwid admin. Those who unticked the “Keep me up to date on news and exclusive offers” box are automatically excluded from the contacts list exported in that section. 

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Collecting customer emails at checkout

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