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iPay88 allows you to accept online payments via credit card, e-debit, and e-money in your Ecwid store. iPay88 is the leading online payment services provider for Southeast Asian merchants (Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Singapore, etc) and also the first and the only local multi-currency gateway provider in the Malaysia. The service complies with the Malaysia Payment System Act and PCI Data Security Standard.

For most countries, this payment gateway is available on paid plans.

Setting up iPay88

If you don't have an account yet, register an account with iPay88. iPay88 will ask you to provide your request URL. Provide the link to your website home page as a request URL. For example, if your store is located at the address, your request URL would be — the website home page.

To set up iPay88 in your Ecwid admin:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to Payment.
  2. Scroll down to the "Add new payment methods" section and in the "More options to accept online payments" block, click Choose Payment Method and select iPay88.
  3. Fill in your Merchant Code and Merchant Key provided by iPay88.
  4. Save the changes.

iPay88 supports the following currencies: AUD, CAD, EUR, HKD, INR, IDR, MYR, PHP, GBP, SGD, THB, USD, TWD. To make iPay88 work correctly in your store, make sure that the currency in your store is the same as in your iPay88 account.


Here are possible errors that can be returned by iPay88 and recommendations on how to fix them:

  • Duplicate reference number: Reference number must be unique for each transaction. iPay88 only allows retries with the same RefNo for 30 minutes.
  • Invalid merchant: The merchant code does not exist. 
  • Invalid parameters: Some parameters posted to iPay88 are invalid or empty.
  • Overlimit per transaction: You have exceeded the amount value per transaction. For a test account, only 1.00 is allowed.
  • Payment not allowed: The payment method you requested is not allowed for this merchant code. Please contact iPay88 to enable your payment option.
  • Permission not allow: The referrer URL for your account registered in iPay88 does not match. Please register your request and response URL with iPay88.
  • Signature not match: The signature generated is incorrect. 
  • Status not approved: Your iPay88 account is suspended or not active. Please contact iPay88 to fix this.
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