Australia and New Zealand taxes (GST) in Ecwid
If you’re a GST-registered business in Australia or New Zealand, you’re most likely required to pay value-added tax. Ecwid allows you to set up your store according to the tax rules of your country. This includes charging GST to your customers and entering prices with GST taxes included. You can also generate tax invoices and display your ABN/business IRD number on the invoices.
Entering prices with GST taxes included
Both in Australia and in New Zealand, customers expect to see prices in your store with taxes already included. To comply with this rule, make sure “gross prices” are selected in your store admin.
To choose gross prices:
- From your Ecwid admin, go to Settings → Taxes & Invoices.
- Click Change Pricing Settings:
- Choose I enter prices with taxes (Gross prices).
- Click Save.
That’s it! Now taxable customers will see all product prices and fees, such as shipping, in your store with taxes already included.
Setting up taxes
If you’re a GST-registered business, you must charge GST on the goods and services that you sell. The easiest way to handle taxes in Ecwid is to enable automatic taxes. This way, your store will calculate the tax rates automatically based on the store and customer's location.
To enable automatic taxes in your store:
- From your Ecwid admin, go to Settings → General → Store profile and add your actual company address.
Make sure you don't have any spelling mistakes or extra spaces in the address.
- Then go to Settings → Taxes & Invoices and enable automatic tax calculations:
Once the automatic tax rates are enabled, your store will charge a precise tax rate on each order depending on where you and your customer are located (e.g., a 10% or 15% tax rate for customers from your country and a zero tax rate for customers from other countries). By default, the same standard tax rate of your store’s region applies to all the products. If some of your products are taxed differently (e.g., they are tax-exempt), you can change the tax rate for them.
In case you need more complex taxation (e.g., you want to set up some special taxes in specific regions, zones, or countries), you can configure your taxes manually.
See the instructions on how to set up manual taxes and learn more about product-specific tax rates →
Creating tax invoices
You can generate tax invoices for your orders. These tax invoices are legally compliant and meet the standard invoicing requirements for your country. There are two types of tax invoices available in your Ecwid admin: regular invoices for your sales and cancellation invoices for your refunds.
To preview an invoice that can be generated in your store, go to Settings → Taxes & Invoices → Tax invoices → Contents of tax invoice (the preview is available once the invoices are enabled for your store).
You can always create a tax invoice for an order in your Ecwid admin, on the page of the order in My Sales → Orders:
All the invoices that have been created for a particular order are available in the Tax invoices section on the page of this order. If needed, you can also download all the invoices for a certain time period in bulk.
If you are using Ecwid’s tax invoices, you can add your ABN/IRD registration number to the invoice. See the instructions on adding your tax registration number →
If you don’t need tax invoices or you are making GST invoices via a third-party system outside of Ecwid, you can turn off Ecwid’s tax invoices in Settings → Taxes & Invoices.
Related articles:
Setting up taxes
Tax invoices
Australian GST on low-value imported goods
GST charges for Ecwid merchants located in Australia