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Cookies used in your Ecwid store

Cookies are small files with information stored in a browser of a site visitor. They help websites recognize users and remember their preferences, like login data. You can also use cookies to understand customer behavior via analytics or to set up retargeting campaigns.

This article gives an extensive list of cookies used in your Ecwid store. You can apply it when writing your cookie/privacy policy to let customers know what information is being collected.

Ecwid cookies

Cookie name
(as seen in a browser)
What the cookie
is used for
Cookie classification What is stored in the cookie on the client's device Cookie type and lifetime
PSecwid__{store_id}__emailPSemail Email entered on the shopping cart page Personalization Customer email Persistent, 180 days
PSecwid__{store_id}__emailPSemail_expire Email entered on the shopping cart page expiration date Personalization Expiration date of customer email Persistent, 180 days
PSecwid__document__referrerPSreferrer HTTP referrer Personalization Referrer link Persistent, 90 days
PSecwid__document__referrerPSreferrer_expire HTTP referrer expiration date Personalization Expiration date of a referrer link Persistent, 90 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PScart Customer cart contents Technically required Representation of shopping cart object Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PScart_expire Customer cart contents expiration date Technically required Expiration date of representation of shopping cart object Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PScustomerid Customer internal identifier Technically required Logged in customer identifier (numeric) Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PScustomerid_expire Customer internal identifier expiration date Technically required Expiration date of logged in customer identifier (numeric) Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PStoken Customer Auth token Technically required Customer ID and auth token Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PStoken_expire Customer Auth token expiration date Technically required Expiration date of customer ID and auth token Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PSprofile Data of authenticated customer Technically required Representation of customer profile object:
authToken: Auth token
billingPerson: address entered on the checkout page
email: email of customer profile
favoritesNotMerged: internal flag
id: customer ID
ownerId: store ID
registered: account creation date
shippingAddresses: not used
taxExempt: internal flag
taxIdValid: internal flag
updated: internal flag
Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PSprofile_expire Data of authenticated customer expiration date Technically required Expiration date of representation of customer profile object:
authToken: Auth token
billingPerson: address entered on the checkout page
email: email of customer profile
favoritesNotMerged: internal flag
id: customer ID
ownerId: store ID
registered: account creation date
shippingAddresses: not used
taxExempt: internal flag
taxIdValid: internal flag
updated: internal flag
Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PSfavorites Products added to favorites Technically required List of favorite product IDs Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PSfavorites_expire Products added to favorites expiration date Technically required Expiration date of the list of favorite product IDs Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PStaxSettings Store tax scheme Technically required Representation of the tax settings object Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}PStaxSettings_expire Store tax scheme expiration date Technically required Expiration date of the representation of tax settings object Persistent, 365 days
PSorder__result__{store_id}PSorderResult Last placed order Technically required Representation of the placed order Persistent, 12 hours
PSecwid__shopping__cart__controller__storagePSlastPlace Continue shopping URL Personalization Last visited category page object Persistent, 180 days
PSecwid__shopping__cart__controller__storagePSlastPlace_expire Continue shopping URL expiration date Personalization Expiration date of the last visited category page object Persistent, 180 days
PSecwid__{store_id}__taxIdPStaxId Tax ID entered at the checkout Personalization Customer Vat ID Persistent, 180 days
PSecwid__{store_id}__taxIdPStaxId_expire Tax ID entered at the checkout expiration date Personalization Expiration date of a customer Vat ID Persistent, 180 days
ec-{store_id}-session Customer internal identifier
(user session)
Technically required Customer’s active checkout and cart Persistent, 90 days
ec-{store_id}-checkout Customer internal identifier (current checkout) Technically required Customer’s checkout ID and number of items in the cart Persistent, not limited (localStorage)
ec-user-response Flag that stores user consent for tracking on site. Used if GDPR cookie consent banner is enabled. Technically required True or false Persistent, 365 days (or 180 days for EU, UK, CH)
ec-user-response-issued-at Date and time when user consent was issued. Used if GDPR cookie consent banner is enabled. Technically required Epoch time Persistent, 365 days (or 180 days for EU, UK, CH)
PSecwid__utm__storagePSutm__data UTM cookies for merchant analytics Marketing UTM cookies for analytics Persistent, 90 days
PSecwid__utm__storagePSutm__data_expire UTM cookies for merchant analytics expiration date Marketing Expiration date of UTM cookies for analytics Persistent, 90 days
__eca_s_id_ Session for Ecwid analytics (restarted every 30 mins) Marketing Random unique number Persistent, 30 minutes
__eca_v_id_ Identifier for Ecwid analytics Marketing Random unique number Persistent, 365 days
PSdispatcher__content__idsPS{product_id} State for merchant custom tracking code for content Technically required State value Persistent, 12 hours
PSdispatcher__content__idsPS{product_id}_expire Expiration time for PSdispatcher__content__ idsPS{product_id} Technically required Expiration date of state value Persistent, 12 hours
PSdispatcher__placed__ordersPS{order_id} State for merchant custom tracking code for orders Technically required State value Persistent, 12 hours
PSdispatcher__placed__ordersPS{order_id}_expire Expiration time for PSdispatcher__placed__ ordersPS{order_id} Technically required Expiration date of state value Persistent, 12 hours
PSec__custom__code__idPS{store_id} Order IDs for merchant custom tracking code for orders Technically required List of order IDs Persistent, 12 hours
PSec__custom__code__idPS{store_id}_expire Expiration time for PSec__custom__code__ idPS{store_id} Technically required Expiration date of list of order IDs Persistent, 12 hours
PSreloadTriggerPSreloadTrigger State of reloading process after SSO failure Technically required 1 during reloading process Persistent, 12 hours
PSreloadTriggerPSreloadTrigger_expire Expiration time for state of reloading process after SSO failure Technically required Expiration date of state value Persistent, 12 hours
PSecwid__agree__personal__data_usage__{store_id}PSallowUsePersonalData Flag that stores user consent for tracking on site for legacy storefront(deprecated) Technically required State value Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__agree__personal__data_usage__{store_id}PSallowUsePersonalData_expire Expiration time for flag that stores user consent for tracking on site for legacy storefront (deprecated) Technically required Expiration date of state value Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__facebookPSlastUserId Facebook ID logged in by Ecwid Technically required Facebook ID Persistent, 180 days
PSecwid__facebookPSlastUserId_expire Expiration time for Facebook ID logged by in Ecwid Technically required Expiration date of Facebook ID Persistent, 180 days
PSlast__historyPSts Timestamp for history token Technically required Timestamp Persistent, 365 days
PSlast__historyPSts_expire Expiration time for timestamp for history token Technically required Expiration date of timestamp Persistent, 365 days
PSlast__historyPStoken Token parameter for synchronization of iframe with a parent window Technically required Token parameter for synchronization of iframe with a parent window. To remember the last page after refresh. Persistent, 365 days
PSlast__historyPStoken_expire Expiration time for history token Technically required Expiration date of history token Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}__tax__informationPStax__information Customer tax info Personalization Customer tax info Persistent, 365 days
PSecwid__{store_id}__tax__informationPStax__information_expire Expiration time for customer tax info Personalization Expiration date of customer tax info Persistent, 365 days
ec_storefront_ab_test Customer internal identifier
(Ecwid’s A/B tests)
Technically required Name of the test and name of the customer group Persistent, not limited (localStorage)

Ecwid cookies are not shared with any third parties.

Third-party cookies

Cookie name
(as seen in a browser)
What the cookie is used for Cookie classification Is the cookie shared with others or set by third parties What is stored in the cookie on the client's device Cookie type and lifetime (for persistent cookies)
__paypal_storage__ Paypal button session Personalization PayPal Used to be able to pay by PayPal Persistent, 365 days
ts_c Paypal button session Personalization PayPal Used to be able to pay by PayPal Persistent, 3 years
akavpau_ppsd   Personalization PayPal Used to be able to pay by PayPal Session
Google Tag Manager GTM does not set cookies or track anything on its own but is used as a deployment container to which other tracking services are added: Google Analytics, Facebook pixel as defined below.        
_ga Tracking must be explicitly enabled by the merchant. Ecwid has an option to enable customer opt-in for such tracking. Used to distinguish users. Marketing Google Generated value by Google Analytics Persistent, 2 years
_gid Tracking must be explicitly enabled by the merchant. Ecwid has an option to enable customer opt-in for such tracking. Used to distinguish users. Marketing Google Generated value by Google Analytics Persistent, 24 hours
_fbp Facebook Pixel. Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products on Facebook. Tracking must be explicitly enabled by the merchant. Ecwid has an option to enable customer opt-in for such tracking. Marketing Facebook Generated value by Facebook pixel Persistent, 90 days
_swa_u Comes with _ga tracking. Tracking must be explicitly enabled by the merchant. Ecwid has an option to enable customer opt-in for such tracking. Used to distinguish users. Marketing Facebook Generated value by Google Analytics Persistent, end of current calendar year + 2 years
_dd_s Used to group all events generated from a unique user session across multiple pages. Analytics  Datadog Current session ID, whether the session is excluded due to sampling, and the expiration date of the session Persistent, extended for an extra 15 minutes every time the user interacts with the website, up to the maximum user session duration (4 hours)

Add a cookie banner

Based on the laws of the countries you operate in, you may be required to inform store visitors of cookies and ask for permission to use them. Learn how to add a cookie notification to your ecommerce site

Related articles

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Ecwid stores
Legal pages in your Ecwid store

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