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Adding shopping cart icon to your Ecwid store on Wix

When you add Ecwid store on the Wix website, you will have the shopping cart icon displayed on your store page. To improve conversion, you can add a shopping cart icon to other pages of your Wix site. With the shopping cart icon, your customers can see how many items are added to the cart. Buyers can also check out from any page of your website.

Ecwid is compatible with the classic Wix editor. Legacy Editor X is not supported.

Adding a shopping cart icon

A shopping cart will be shown on any page of your site so that customers can proceed to checkout anytime.

There are two types of cart icons in the Ecwid application for Wix:

  • Shopping cart icon with fixed position — once placed on the page, the icon won’t change its position. So when a customer scrolls the page, the icon won’t float and will stay exactly where you chose it to be, e.g., in the header or sidebar section.
  • Floating shopping cart icon — once pinned to a certain place of the page, the icon will follow the customer while they scroll the page. Note that Wix doesn't display floating elements in the mobile view so that the floating shopping cart icon will appear only on widescreens.

To add a shopping cart icon:

  1. From your Wix dashboard, select the site with your Ecwid store, then click Site Actions → Edit Site.
  2. In the left menu, click Menus and Pages → Site Menu and select the page with your Ecwid store.
  3. Click on the store area and then on the Settings button:

Storefront settings

  1. In the left menu, click Add-ons, then select the type of the shopping cart icon you want to add and click Add to page:


  1. The shopping cart icon with default appearance will appear on your website:

If you chose the floating shopping cart icon, click on it, then click Settings and select the cart position on a page. If you chose another type of shopping cart, you could drag the icon to any place on your page.

  1. Click Publish to apply changes.

Customizing shopping cart icon design

You can change the shopping icon's appearance — border shape, icon looks, its size and content, and its position on the page.

The changes that you make to the Shopping cart appearance will be displayed in the preview to make it easier for you to customize it.

To configure the Shopping cart design:

  1. In your Wix Website Editor, open the site with your Ecwid store.
  2. Click on the cart icon and then on the Settings button:

Shopping cart settings

  1. By default, the shopping cart is shown even if it’s empty. Turn on the Hide cart when empty toggle if you want to display the cart only when customers add something to it.
  2. In the Cart position section, select where you want the shopping cart to be displayed:

Cart position option

  1. In the Appearance options, choose the size of the icon and what information it will display. You can choose one of the eight layouts:

Icon size & content option

  1. Choose the Icon type. It can be a bag, a cart, or a basket icon:

 Icon type option

  1. Select the Icon border shape: pill, rectangle, or without border at all.
  2. When you have finished configuring the shopping cart appearance, click Publish to apply the changes.
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