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Buying shipping labels for Belgium

To ship an order, you need to buy and print a shipping label—an identification label that helps a carrier service to transport a package from you to your customer. Each label is unique and contains key information: the sender’s and recipient’s addresses, the weight and dimensions of the package, its contents, and the requested carrier service.

If your business is based in Belgium, you can buy and print Bpost shipping labels for domestic and international shipments from your Ecwid admin. Since Belgium is a part of the European union, all shipments within Europe will be considered domestic.

Plan availability: Venture, Business, Unlimited. 

Buying shipping labels within Ecwid admin

The cost of a shipping label is billed to you through your Ecwid account with the same payment method you use to pay for your Ecwid subscription. You can check your payment method on the My Profile → Billing and plans page.

To buy and print a shipping label:

For Lightspeed eCom merchants who run their business with Retail POS (X-Series): before you can purchase shipping labels, you first need to install the Shipping Labels app and connect your credit card to pay for shipping labels.
  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to My sales → Orders.

    For Lightspeed eCom (E-Series): navigate to Online → Overview → Go to eCom and open My sales → Orders page.

  2. Select an order you want to buy a shipping label for.
  3. In the Shipping details section on the right-hand side, click Buy shipping label:


  4. In the Package weight and size section, specify the weight of a package and its dimensions. Click Continue.
  5. (This step is for international shipping. Skip it if you ship within the EU.)
    Fill in the Customs Declaration: enter sender credentials, add a brief description of the goods, specify the Harmonized System code used to classify a product. If necessary, leave additional information (references, invoice, certificate, or license numbers). This information will be reviewed by customs to calculate the duties to be paid by a customer upon receiving. All required customs information will be included in the label, there is no need to download and print additional documents.
  6. Select a shipping service.
  7. In the Printer settings section, select your printer type to print a shipping label of the appropriate size.
  8. On the right side, pay attention to the Mark order as shipped and notify the customer by email checkbox. If you select this option, the order status will automatically update to Shipped immediately after the shipping label is purchased, and the customer will receive an email with a tracking number. If you want to change the order status to Shipped manually after you’ve actually shipped the product, untick the checkbox.
  9. Click Buy Shipping Label. Once the purchase is complete, you will see the shipping label details and a tracking number.
  10. Click Print Shipping Label.

That’s it! You’ve purchased and printed a shipping label.

You can see all of your shipping label payments on the Payment history page in your Ecwid admin.

What’s next:

  1. Place the printed shipping label on the box with the order and affix it securely with tape. Try not to tape above the barcode as it could make it harder to scan at the post office.
  2. Hand in parcels to a Bpost office or have them picked up.
  3. Ship the order.

Voiding shipping label

To void a shipping label, don’t put it on a box and don’t get it scanned at a post office as it can’t be refunded at that point. Contact the Ecwid support team immediately after the purchase, and include the following details in your email:

  • Your store ID (in the bottom left corner of your Ecwid admin).
  • The order number with the shipping label you want to void.

The refund will be issued to the payment method that was charged for the voided shipping label. You can see it in your Ecwid admin, My Profile → Billing and plans.

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