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Global Payments

Global Payments (ex-Global Iris powered by Realex) is a software to process online payments made through credit cards, debit cards and digital payments. With Global Payments, you can accept payments in 130+ currencies all over the world.

Before you start

To accept the card payments with Global Payments, you have to comply with the following:

  • Register in Global Payments to get access to your Merchant Account. If you are currently an HSBC customer, you already have an account with HSBC Merchant Services and can proceed. If you are a new customer and you don't have an HSBC Merchant Services account, and don’t have an account with Global Payments yet, you will need to apply for one.
  • Please check with your merchant account provider that your store currency is supported by Global Payments.
  • Your online store must be published on your site in order to be approved upon signing up with Global Payments. When you register an Ecwid account, you will automatically get a store on a forever free Instant Site. You can change the domain for Instant Site or add Ecwid store to an existing site.
  • The checkout must be available in your store — so make sure that you have at least one payment method enabled. If you don’t have any other payment methods in your store yet, enable the offline payment method while waiting for the approval from Global Payments.

Setting up Global Payments

To set up Global Payments:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to Payment.
  2. Scroll down to Other ways to get paid and choose Global Payments.
  3. In the Global Payments account details, enter your Merchant ID and Shared secret. Your Global Payments account manager will provide you with both Merchant ID and Shared secret. You can provide the sub-account name in the Sub account field, but it’s optional.
  4. In the Transaction Type, choose Automatic.
  5. (optional) If you want to test Global Payments before going live, tick the Enable test mode (no charges) box. Don’t forget to untick the box before going live.
  6. Contact Global Payments support to provide them with a callback URL. It is needed for the payment system to securely report the status of a transaction back to your Ecwid shop so that the payment process can go smoothly. Your callback URL is unique and looks like this— (STORE_ID must be replaced with your real actual store ID number).

That’s it. Now you have the Global Payments payment method in your store.

Before accepting payment from your customers, do a few test purchases with the real credit cards in order to make sure everything works right, and you are ready to sell.

Accepting Global Payments payments

After you enable Global Payments in your Ecwid store, your customers will be able to choose this payment option at the checkout. As soon as they choose Global Payments as the payment option, they will have to fill in their credit or debit card information to finish the purchase.

You can always check what payment method has been used for an order by viewing an order’s details in your Ecwid admin → My Sales → Orders. For the Global Payments payment method you will see Global Payments in the payment details.

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