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First Data Global Gateway e4

Global Gateway e4 is a payment solution provided by one of the largest processors in the world, Fiserv (formerly known as First Data). With Global Gateway e4, you can accept a wide range of credit and debit cards including MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Network.

To add Global Gateway e4 in your Ecwid store, you will need to set up the payment method both in your Ecwid admin and in your Fiserv merchant account.

Setting up Global Gateway e4

Before adding the Global Gateway e4 payment option to your Ecwid store, you need to sign up for a merchant account with Fiserv.

To set up Global Gateway e4 in your Ecwid store:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to Payments.
  2. Scroll down to More options to accept online payments and choose First Data Global Gateway e4 from the dropdown.
  3. To fill in required fields, go to your Fiserv (First Data) merchant account.
  4. Go to Administration → Terminal Types and click Terminal Selection.
  5. Choose a terminal for e-Commerce: YOURCOMPANY TERM ECOMM.
  6. In the Details tab from the Type dropdown, choose E-Commerce Transaction (CVV2) if you need checking CVV2 codes for the transactions. Choose E-Commerce Transaction if you are not going to check CVV2 codes.
  7. (optional) At the AVS Filters tab, choose the AVS check statuses that should result in declining the transaction.
  8. (optional) At the CVV2 Filters tab, choose the CVV2 code check statuses that should result in declining the transaction.
  9. Click Update to apply the changes.
  10. (optional) If you want to provide a mobile-friendly payment page for your mobile customers, go to the Payment Pages tab, tick the Mobile style enabled checkmark and click Save.
  11. Copy the payment page name (e.g. HCO-ECWID-96). Return to your Ecwid admin and enter the name into the Payment page Id field:


  12. Return to your Fiserv (First Data) account and click the row with your payment page in the list to adjust settings in tabs.
  13. Go to the General tab and make sure to uncheck the Enable Level 3 Processing.
  14. (optional) If you want a custom title for your payment page, enter it into the Payment Page Title field.
  15. (optional) To receive the technical notifications of successful transactions or issues, enter your email into the Notification Email field.
  16. Go to the Payment Types tab. Tick the Enable Credit Card Payments under the Credit Card Payments.
  17. Under the Test Processing and Live Processing, choose the Merchant and Terminal.
  18. Go to the Receipt page tab. Choose Link to the receipt page (LINK) under Receipt Page Settings.
  19. Under Authorize.Net Protocol - Relay Response Settings, check the Allow Relay Response, Allow HTTP Redirect to Merchant Website and Retry Failed Relay Responses checkboxes.
  20. Go to your Ecwid admin → PaymentFirst Data Global Gateway e4 account details. In the Configure Settings section on the right-hand side, copy the URL that looks like the following: where NNNNNNN is your Ecwid store ID.
  21. Return to your Fiserv (First Data) account. In Relay Response URL and Relay Response Retry URL, enter the URL copied on the previous step.
    The Global Gateway e4 support team may need 1 business day to review URLs. Until completing the review, no relay response is made from Global Gateway e4 to your Ecwid store.
  22. (optional) In Receipt emails, you can enable notifying the buyer upon successful transaction and customize the notifications.
  23. (optional) In Appearance, you can customize the colors and logo of your payment page.
  24. Go to the Security tab. In the HMAC Calculation, choose MD5 for the Encryption Type.
  25. Under Transaction Key, click Generate New Transaction Key and copy the key.
  26. Return to your Ecwid admin → PaymentFirst Data Global Gateway e4 account details and enter the copied code to the Transaction key field.
  27. Go back to your Fiserv (First Data) account. In Response Key, click Generate New Response Key and copy the key.
  28. Return to your Ecwid admin → PaymentFirst Data Global Gateway e4 account details and enter the copied code to the Response key field.
  29. In the Transaction type dropdown, select Auth_capture.
  30. Click Save changes.

That’s it. Now you are ready to accept payments with Global Gateway e4.

Accepting Global Gateway e4 payments

After you enable Global Gateway e4 in your Ecwid store, your customers will be able to choose this payment option at the checkout. As soon as they choose Global Gateway e4 as the payment option, they will have to fill in their credit or debit card information to finish the purchase.

You can always check what payment method has been used for an order by viewing an order’s details in your Ecwid admin → My Sales → Orders. For the Global Gateway e4 payment method you will see Global Gateway e4 in the payment details. You can also easily find all orders paid through Global Gateway e4 by using the order filters in your store admin.

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