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Connecting Ecwid with Intercom

Being a customer communication platform, Intercom allows you to use targeted messages, bots, and real-time chat to onboard, engage and support your customers and thus generate more sales.

You can connect your Ecwid store with Intercom with no coding skills using Zapier, a service to connect different apps. With Zapier, you can simply select a trigger (when something should happen) and an action (what should happen). As a result you will have an automated task, a “zap.”

To connect Intercom with your Ecwid store:

  1. Sign up for an account with Zapier or log in to your existing Zapier account.
  2. In your Zapier account, click Create and select Zaps.
  3. Click Trigger, then select Ecwid by Lightspeed. In the opened menu on the right, click the Trigger event dropdown and select New Customer
  4. If you're not automatically logged in into your Ecwid account, in the Account dropdown, click Sign In to login to your Ecwid account.
  5. In the Choose Event Trigger section, select New Customer.
  6. Click Action and select Intercom. In the opened menu on the right, click the Action event dropdown and select the action you want to perform. For example, Create User.
  7. If you're not automatically logged in into your Intercom account, in the Account dropdown, click Sign In to login.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Set up details of your connection and click Continue.
  10. Click Test step to check if the right store has been connected and if the right trigger is set up. You can skip this step.
  11. Click Publish.

That’s it! New customers are now created in your Intercom account (in the Contacts section) from your new Ecwid store customers:


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