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Creating custom order statuses

Order statuses contain information on the payment and fulfillment state of a particular order. In addition to default statuses that exist in your store, you can create custom order statuses tailored to your business. For example, if you need a “Partially Shipped” status for orders that you ship in multiple packages, or you require an “Awaiting Accounting” status for invoices that your accountant prepares before payment is possible.

Custom statuses will be available on the Orders page in your Ecwid admin, where you can set them manually, view them in the order details and use them in order filtering. Customers can see custom statuses in order email notifications and in their accounts in your store.

Plan availability: Business, Unlimited.

Adding custom statuses to your store

You can add up to three payment and three fulfillment statuses to your Ecwid store. Custom statuses that you create will exist alongside the default order statuses and can be used in the same way.

To add a custom status:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to Settings → General → Cart & Checkout.
  2. Scroll down to the Custom order statuses block, then click Manage Custom Statuses.
  3. On the opened page, click + Add Status.
  4. Enter a custom status name and select its type (payment or fulfillment). You can see a list of both custom and default statuses that exist in your store in the description:


    If your store is multilingual, you can enter status names in all your store languages.
  5. (optional) Enable the Send the “Order status changed“ customer notification when the status is assigned toggle if you want customers to get the “Order status changed” notification when you set this status for an order.
  6. Click Add Status.

That’s it! You’ve added a custom order status to your store. Now you can set it for your orders on the My sales → Orders page in your Ecwid admin.

Once you set a custom status for an order, it will appear in customer and admin notifications and in the customer accounts in your store. Custom statuses are also present in the CSV files if you export your orders.

After you exceed the limit for custom statuses (3 payment and 3 fulfillment), creating new ones is disabled. You can edit the existing statuses or delete them to create other statuses instead.

Setting custom statuses for orders

After you add a custom status to your store, you can manually set it for any existing order.

To set a custom status for an order:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to My sales → Orders.
  2. Find your order and click the status dropdown (payment or fulfillment):


  3. Select your custom status from the list.
You can also set custom order statuses in bulk by ticking the orders in the list and clicking Mass Update → Change payment status for selected orders or Mass Update → Change fulfillment status for selected orders.

Editing custom statuses

You can edit any custom status that exists in your store. For example, if later you want to change the name of the status to the one that suits your business better.

To edit a custom status:

  1. Go to Settings → General → Cart & CheckoutCustom order statuses, then click Manage Custom Statuses. On the opened page, you will see a list of custom statuses that you’ve created.
  2. Click Actions → Edit for the status that you want to adjust.
  3. Edit status name, type and/or email notification settings.
  4. Click Save.

That’s it! Now the updated status will appear in your store.

If you change a custom status name, existing orders will have the status automatically renamed.

Deleting custom statuses

You can permanently delete custom statuses that you have created in your store.

To delete a custom status:

  1. Go to Settings → General → Cart & Checkout Custom order statuses, then click Manage Custom Statuses. On the opened page, you will see a list of custom statuses that you’ve created.
  2. Click Actions → Delete → Yes for the status that you want to delete.

If you delete a status, it becomes unavailable for setting. It will also no longer be displayed in the details of the orders on the Orders page in your store admin, as well as in customer accounts.

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