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Creating orders on behalf of customers

Along with regular online purchases made by customers, it’s possible to create orders manually from your Ecwid admin. Creating manual orders on behalf of customers can be useful when you sell over the phone, during an event or craft fair, etc.

When you create an order manually, you enter the customer email, add products and optionally specify other details like payment method, shipping details, and billing address.

If you signed up after 23.01.2025, you have Ecwid's new order editor in your store.
Plan availability: Business, Unlimited.

Creating orders in your store admin

To create an order manually:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to My Sales → Order Editor.
  2. Click Create Order.
  3. Click Edit next to the Customer email and fill in the customer information. For returning customers, simply enter their email and click Save. Ecwid will automatically fill in shipping and billing address for existing customers.
  4. Click Edit next to the Shipping method and select the preferred shipping option from the dropdown.
  5. Click Edit next to the Payment method and add the name of the payment option.
  6. Below the customers information section, you will see a default product. The pencil icon allows you to remove or edit this field:

    Edit the product in the order

    The order must contain at least one product. This is why the Remove button is only active when your order contains more than one product.
  7. Click Add product to add more items to the order.
  8. Enter the product SKU and the number of items purchased. Ecwid will automatically fill in other information:

    Enter the product SKU

  9. Edit the shipping information, taxes and discounts, then click Save changes.
  10. Once all order information is entered, click Place Order.

You can check out the created order in your Ecwid admin, in My Sales → Orders:


That’s it! The order is created.

After placing a manual order

After you place a manual order, your customer receives a notification about the order to their email, the product stock is reduced, and the order appears on the Orders page with the Awaiting Payment and Awaiting Processing statuses. You can change these statuses later if you want.

Your customers are not automatically charged for orders you place manually, even if you specify the payment method name when creating the order, so you need to collect payments from them yourself. After you create an order in the store admin, you can send an invoice to a client (e.g., a PayPal or a NextPay invoice), take payment in cash or use any other option that suits your workflow.

Related articles

Guide to orders
Managing orders
Editing orders

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