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Got an order? Next steps

Congrats! You got an email or mobile push notification about your first order. The next step is to fulfill the order and keep your customer informed about its status.

Here are the basic steps you should do:

  1. From your Ecwid admin, go to My Sales → Orders to see order details.
  2. Check your payment processor account to make sure the money has arrived. If you use manual payment options, contact the customer to arrange the payment. Your local customers can pay you in cash when they pick up the purchased product.
  3. Change the fulfillment status from Awaiting processing to Processing and start preparing the order: carefully pack the product to ensure that the package is safely delivered. You can change the order status anytime to keep shoppers informed.
  4. Fill out the shipping label to save time at the post office.
  5. Go to a shipping company, e.g., Correos de España, and send the package.
  6. Change the order fulfillment status to Shipped. It’s best to add a tracking number at this step so your customer receives an email with the number and can track it themself.
  7. Once the buyer receives the order, change the order fulfillment status to Delivered.
  8. Withdraw the money from your payment processor and celebrate!
If you sell digital products, the link to download the product will be sent to a customer automatically once they pay for it. That means, you don’t need to prepare the order. Since digital products are most likely paid online, the fulfillment status will change automatically to Delivered.

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Digital products
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Ecwid mobile app

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