DHL is a service that provides international courier, parcel and express mail delivery.
In your Ecwid store you can offer your customers a home delivery with the DHL Express Shipping Methods app that automatically calculates shipping rates or DHL self-pickup delivery through service points via the Sendcloud app.
Adding DHL Express home delivery (via DHL Express app)
This is a standard method of delivery, when a purchase is delivered to the address that a customer filled in at checkout.
You can connect your Ecwid store with DHL Express carrier to pass the real-time shipping fees to customers on checkout.
To set up the DHL Express online shipping rates:
- In the Ecwid App Market find the DHL Express Shipping Methods app and install it.
- Once the app is installed, in your Ecwid admin, go to Shipping & Pickup section and click the DHL Express Shipping Methods block to edit settings.
- In the Shipping method settings block click Change Account details to expand the section to paste your DHL Express account details:
DHL SiteID and API password are the required fields. Call your local DHL Express Customer Service Centers to sign up for an account if you don’t have one yet and get the credentials.
In order to get live DHL Express rates, associated with your own DHL Express account, enter the DHL account number.
- Choose what DHL Express methods and what rates you want to offer in your store under the Shipping options section.
- Choose the region where this shipping method should work under the Shipping Region section.
See the detailed instruction on how to set up the destination zones.
- Enable the Add insured value option if you want to cover your shipments. Determine a specific amount of money to be insured or leave at 0.00 if you want to use order subtotal. The insured value will be added to the shipping rate that is charged from a customer. We advise you to give your customers a heads-up on this in the terms of service.
- Submit the average size of the packages you are planning to ship under the Package Dimensions. The default package size is used to calculate shipping rates for products with no dimensions specified. To precisely calculate shipping costs for all of your products, please specify their dimensions in product details.
If the store currency code does not match the currency code of the country specified in the Shipping Origin, use the Currency rate field to specify the exchange rate for the currency using this conversion formula:
1 Ship-From country currency = XUSD
If store currency code does not match the currency code of the country specified in the Shipping origin section, the DHL Express will return the rates in the currency code of the country used in the Shipping origin section.
Adding delivery through service points (via Sendcloud app)
DHL delivers not only door-to-door but through thousands of pick-up points all over the world. This method allows your customers to choose a convenient pick-up point on the map at the checkout and their purchase will be delivered there.
To set up service point picker at your checkout you need to connect your store to the Sendcloud app. Sendcloud is Europe's #1 shipping platform for e-commerce, so it can compliment your store not only with a service point picker but with automating and streamlining your shipping routine.
DHL and DHL Express are both part of DHL Group but they are separate companies. With Sendcloud you can choose what service to activate — DHL, DHL Express, or both.
To add DHL service points to your store checkout:
- In the Ecwid App Market find the Sendcloud app and click Install.
- Choose to log into an existing Sendcloud account or to create a new account:
- A new tab will open where you can enter your Sendcloud credentials or create a new Sendcloud account.
- After you finish creating a new account or log into an existing one, go back to the tab with your Ecwid admin. You may need to refresh the page to connect your Ecwid store to your Sendcloud account.
- To activate DHL or DHL Express service points in your Ecwid store, you should first enable DHL or DHL Express in your Sendcloud account. To do so, in your Sendcloud account, go to Settings → Carriers & Pricing and enable the needed carrier (you need to be on the Small shop, Large shop or Business plan in Sendcloud to activate own contract):
Depending on your country and the service you chose, you may have to fill in your DHL account details that you can receive from your DHL manager. - After enabling the DHL or DHL Express shipping method in your Sendcloud account, go to Settings → Integrations and click the Edit button to change the shipping settings of your shop:
- Tick the Service Point box and choose carriers for which you want to activate this delivery option. In our case it will be DHL or DHL Express. At the checkout your customers will see all service points from all the carriers you enable on this step. If you want to offer only DHL pick-up services, uncheck other carriers.
- Go to your Ecwid admin and open Shipping & Pickup, then choose Sendcloud: the shipping software for e-commerce. The Sendcloud app will open, where you can set up two options for a service point delivery — simple shipping method and advanced shipping method:
- (optional) Enabling the simple shipping method will be available to all customers from all countries and they will be charged an entered amount. Fill in an appropriate name such as Self-pickup at service point so your customers could understand how their order will be delivered and enter the cost for this delivery option.
- (optional) Enabling the advanced shipping method. It will be available to customers and countries that you specified in the selected shipping method. You can select from the list of existing shipping methods in your Ecwid store you wish to use as a service point delivery shipping method.
- Click Save.
- (optional) Select which shipping method you want to synchronize with the Sendcloud app. Orders fulfilled by the selected shipping methods will be shown in your Sendcloud account.
- Select shipping region. If you deliver with DHL to pickpoints, you should select all cities where you want to deliver.
- (optional) Add shipping markup if you need to cover additional handling expenses such as packing or insurance.
- (optional) Specify the order subtotal before discounts. The delivery method won’t be available at checkout for orders below that amount.
Once your shop is connected to Sendcloud and you enabled simple shipping method or advanced method with delivery options that use pick points, your customers will see the service point map at checkout:
After a customer places an order, the information about the order will appear in your Ecwid admin and in your Sendcloud account in the Incoming orders. Once the order status is changed in your Ecwid store, it will be automatically changed in your Sendcloud account.
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