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Resolving errors when paying for Ecwid subscription

Payments for your Ecwid subscription can fail for a number of reasons. If there’s ever an issue, we’ll immediately email you with details and you will see a warning in your Ecwid admin. This article describes common payment error messages and how to solve them.

Visit the Billing and Plans page in your Ecwid admin to update a payment method.

Understanding payment or transactional errors

If for some reason the payment fails, you’ll get an email notification describing the problem. You can also see an alert message in the My profile → Billing and Plans page when you log in to your Ecwid admin. For each error, you'll also see a recommended solution.

Here are a couple of popular payment or transactional errors and their resolutions:

Error Description Resolution
Card Declined Payment has been approved by Braintree (our payment gateway) but has been declined by your card issuer Call your card issuer (the phone number is usually on the back of your card). As a temporary workaround, you can submit payment using a different credit card or PayPal.
Expired Card Issuer indicates the card is expired Submit payment with a credit card that isn’t expired.
Declined. Insufficient funds in the account Not enough funds for subscription prolongation Top-up card balance and wait 12 hours. Your subscription will be renewed automatically. Alternatively, submit payment using a different credit card or call your credit card issuer (the phone number is usually on the back of your card) to make sure that you have sufficient funds for payment.
Stolen/lost Card Your card may have been reported lost or stolen, or the account has been closed. Submit payment using a different credit card or call your credit card issuer (the phone number is usually on the back of your card) to resolve the issue.

What to expect if we cannot process a recurring payment

Below is a quick rundown of what you can expect if already have an Ecwid subscription and your next payment does not arrive on time.

If for some reason the payment for your existing Ecwid subscription fails, we email you with a warning. We understand that cards expire and things happen, so Ecwid provides 5 days of grace period allowing time to update the payment details. Your account is not downgraded right after the failed charge date, the storefront, and Ecwid control panel work as usual during five days of the grace period. All products, categories, and other store settings are not influenced in any way.

Time What to expect
Day 1–5 We will try to charge your card again every 12 hours during the next 5 days.
Day 6 If we cannot process a payment after 5 days, we’ll cancel your subscription and downgrade your account to the Free plan.

You can always check the status of your subscription in the My profile → Billing and Plans page in your Ecwid admin (or in the Store → Billing and Plans section in your Ecwid mobile app for iOS or Android). Check out the "Paid Through" date to make sure your subscription was prolonged:

Ecwid billing page

Contacting Ecwid merchant support

If you have any questions about a failed payment, please contact us at and we will help you. Provide the last four digits of your credit card or the PayPal account email, your Store ID or account login email, the error code, and payment details: date and amount taken, if available.

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