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Switching from monthly to yearly plans (or vice versa)

Ecwid offers monthly and annual billing for Venture, Business, and Unlimited plans. Ecwid's yearly plans allow you to use our service for 12 months at a 15% discount.

You can switch between monthly and annual billing at any time from your Ecwid admin, on the My Profile → Billing and Plans page. Note: Only the account owner can make changes to the payment schedule. For more information on pricing for your Ecwid account, see Price breakdown and billing cycle.

Changing from monthly to yearly billing cycle (within one paid plan)

If you originally selected the monthly plan, you can switch to annual. Our yearly plans offer great savings over our monthly plans. With this subscription, you are charged once a year, for the entire year.

To switch to a yearly plan:

  1. Log in as a store owner.
  2. From your Ecwid admin, go to My Profile → Billing and Plans.
  3. Click Save 15%, Switch to [your plan]:


  1. Select Annual plan.
  2. Click Switch to [new plan].

Now you’ll start a new billing cycle. Your old one-month and new 12-months periods will be summed up and the next renewal date will correspondingly change. For example, you purchased a 1-month subscription on January 1, 2021, then you decided to switch to the annual subscription and purchased the annual subscription on January 10, 2021 — the next billing date will be on February 1, 2022.

Note: If you upgrade later the same day, then credit remaining from the current subscription will be applied towards the subscription to your new plan, and the renewal date won't change.

Changing from yearly to monthly billing cycle (within one paid plan)

If you originally selected the yearly plan, you can switch to monthly.

To switch to a monthly plan:

  1. Log in as a store owner.
  2. From your Ecwid admin, go to My Profile → Billing and Plans.
  3. Click on the plan you subscribed to (Business in our example):


  1. Select Monthly Plan:


  1. Click Switch to [new plan].

Now you’ll start a new billing cycle. You'll get a credit on your new plan based on the unused portion of your old plan.

Note: You will not get a refund for any unused portion of your old plan that we can't roll over as credit on your new plan. For example, if you purchased a Venture yearly subscription on January 1, 2020 ($150), and later on May 1, 2020, you decided to switch to the Venture monthly subscription ($15 per month), then you got $100 as a credit which equals to 6 months for Venture monthly. Now $10 that are left and that are not enough to pay for a full month will not be refunded.

Please, contact us if you have any further questions.

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